i love u Janis,,,in so many freaking ways...the 1st time i heard Ur voice i was a little brat giving my mom the hardest of times....u lift me,,,u inspire me,,u rocked me and still do.....
from port Arthur Texas,,,she was always considered an outcast,,,not really fitting in to any clicks in school,,,so so different,,but she is a role model to any artist that struggles with acceptance,,,but their will never be that,,know that u will now and 4 ever stand alone in Ur uniqueness,,but that's not a bad thing,,it is something to be celebrated.....hats off to all the artist who survive,,not in the world,but in Ur mind.....push 4 ward and don't stop,,sit back and let Janis prove to u that being different should be received not pushed away....
love u always Janis,,u fucking rocked the shit out of me...
peace to the fellas
muahhh to the ladies
oh and another thing,,her voice is unlike any other,,,you have been warned.................
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